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Menu Structure 


Select "Structure" to get an overview of all menu points. You see which menu points you have access to edit.

Administrator rights are required to access and change the menu structure.

Info: Click on info to see information about the structure/menu

Edit: Click on edit to get access to edit the section/menu point. You may change name and description. Further you may determine if the section is public or if only members have access or if it is not shown at all (not published).

Move allows you to move the section/menu point.

Groups display an overview over which user groups has access to the section/menu point and the possibility to add or remove user groups.

Delete gives you the possibility to delete a section/menu point. N.B.! You can only delete a section that does not contain any entries.

Create new section. (Located at the bottom of the page). A new section is created in 3 steps. In step 1 you enter name, type and description, in step 2 you select the position of the section in relation to the existing sections/menus and in step 3 you determine which user groups has access to edit the menu.

Create a new menu point: Click on "Create new section" to create a new menu point. See "Create new section" above

Name is the name of the menu point

Access: Determines which visitors have access to see the menu point.
Public = all visitors can see the menu point.
Members = you must be logged in to see the menu point.
Not published = the menu point is not shown (except in the administration menu).

Type: Determines which type of entry the menu point contains
Standard = normal text entries
Activity = activity calendar
Search = search page
Sitemap = an overview of all menu points
News = the10 newest entries
External link = an external page from another web server/website that is shown as if it was a part of your website
Special page = link to a very special page, which for example is made with front-page or coded direct in html. The special page must be uploaded with FTP. Contact:, if you need this option.
Standard form = standard form for example for request for further information or the like.
Debate forum = Debate forum

Description: a short description of what the menu point contains. This is for internal use only (not shown on the website)

Click on next. The display changes to step 2, where you see an overview of the menu points on your website. Now select the position of the new menu point. Click on one of the links "Insert subsection", "Insert above" or "Insert below" in relation to where the new menu point is to be located.

Insert subsection: The new menu point will be inserted as a submenu point
Insert above: The new menu point will be inserted above the menu point
Insert below: The new menu point will be inserted below the menu point

You can only insert new menu points in sections/menus where you have administrator rights. To add menu points on the topmost level (main menu) you further need Webmaster rights

In step 3, you determine which user-groups have access to the menu point. Mark the groups that shall have access to the section/menu point. Groups, which have access to the menu point on the level above, are pre marked.

Click the "Save" - button to finish and save the created section/menu point.

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