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Archturus Manual 


This manual describes the administration system for the Web Content Management System Archturus.

Here you will learn how to add entries to your website, how to edit an existing website and how to use other functions i.e. create users, menus, groups, images etc.

Archturus allows you to edit your website from any computer with Internet access.

Before starting it is important, that you gain an understanding of Archturus’ general structure and principles of Web Content Management Systems.

First you must understand, that an Archturus website consists of a layout, menu points and the content.

The layout (colours, fonts, menu and text positions) are determined when the website is established and is set-up by an administrator or the supplier of the Archturus system. The Layout may be changed any time but will usually stay unchanged over an extended period of time.

The Menu Points gives users access to navigate within the website.

The Content is text and images.

The advantage having a separated layout and contents is, that when editing you have only to concentrate on the content of the text itself, whilst the Archturus system automatically controls the layout.

Creating a new website starts with the setting-up of the layout. When the layout is ready, the menus of the website are entered. This is done in the administration menu "Structure", which only users with rights as webmaster or administrator have access to.
Finally the text and eventually images are entered.

Images to be used within the website must be uploaded to the system prior to their use. The upload is made in the administration menu "Images".

You must be logged into the administration system to get access to edit your website.

Hurtig hjælp

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Hvordan opretter jeg et nyt menupunkt?

Jeg ønsker at lave en kontaktformular. Hvordan gør jeg?

Opret en ny bruger til at redigere et bestemt menupunkt

Hvordan opretter jeg en mailingliste?

Hvordan indsætter jeg en sideboks i den ene side på mit website?

Hvordan laver jeg et debatforum?

Jeg har glemt mit password. Hvordan får jeg adgang til systemet?

Hvor kan jeg få hjælp, når jeg ikke kan finde svar på mit spørgsmål her i manualen?